patient was missing 1 tooth but due to the very large space we first reduced this with Invisalign the an Implant was placed by Dr Dejan Dragisic
Dentistry today has so much to offer…restorative and reconstructive dentistry, porcelain veneers and crowns, bonding, white fillings, whitening, implants…what is right for you? It has to begin with a comprehensive exam and diagnosis.
Unless there is some immediate concern, urgency, or a strictly cosmetic consult, the first visit will involve a comprehensive exam. If there is an immediate concern, it may need to be addressed first, then followed by a comprehensive evaluation. Before you and Dr. Tehranian can determine what is possible for long-term stability with regard to comfort, function, health and esthetics, your current condition is assessed. Your comprehensive exam is a baseline for future comparisons and is the basis for a lifetime master plan for oral health.